Tips For Trimming Hedges

A hedge is an arrangement of shrubs or bushes that are planted closely together, most often in a linear fashion. They are generally trimmed to appear as if they are just one plant taking the form of a towering green wall. They can be for simple decorative purposes, or useful as a border or barrier in your lawn or garden. This guide will offer some useful tips that you can take to your garden when you are either trimming your hedge or pruning your shrubs.

Know How To Choose A Trimmer

If you are going to do a proper job of trimming your hedge you are going to need to know how to choose the right tools for the job. Smaller trimmers that are powered by either batteries or extension cords are great smaller and medium sized hedges. (hint: we always recommend going with cordless tools to avoid the hassle of the long cord) If you have a seriously large hedge, or it is way overgrown, you may consider stepping up your game and getting a gas powered trimmer.

Once you’ve trimmed down the bulk of your hedge and got the general shape, you’ll want to put aside the power tools and switch to smaller handheld tools for precision trimming and shaping. Loppers and hand shears are great for areas with tight space and those that are hard to reach.

When To Trim Hedges

Now that you’ve got the proper tools picked out, you’ll need to know when you should be trimming your hedges. Evergreen shrubs and those that do not produce flowers can simply be trimmed as needed. However, you’ll want to make sure that you trim them down before they get too overgrown in order to prevent weeds.  

Several factors will contribute to how often you are trimming your hedge, including the species of shrub, recent rainfall, and time of year. A good rule of thumb is that you should be trimming your hedge about every 6-8 weeks during the warmer time of year, scaling back once the weather begins cooling down. If you’ve only just planted your shrub, you will want to make sure you trim them more frequently. This will encourage healthy growth and help you to keep them the shape you want.

Hedge Trimming Technique

  • First tackle obvious problem areas, cutting the hedge down to a rough general shape using a lopper. After you have a vague idea of what you’re going for, you can use a power trimmer to further hone the shape.
  • Make sure to prune around the base and inside the shrub. You want to trim enough out of the inside to allow some sunlight to penetrate.
  • Use a string or rope tied taught along the top and bottom of your hedge to help guide you. This can help to make sure you trim your hedge straight all the way across.
  • Take your time, especially when using the power tools. You can always cut a little more off, but it’s hard to add it back once it’s gone. Be sure to step back and admire your work frequently, this will give you a better idea of what’s still to be done.
  • Finally, once you’ve achieved a nice clean edge, switch to hand tools for any small adjustments.

If you follow these tips for hedge trimming you will be sure to save time and money. Not only that, but you will have an impressive looking yard that is sure to increase your home’s curb appeal and therefore it’s overall value. If you find keeping a good edge on your hedge to be a challenge, or you just don’t have the time to keep up on it, call an expert at Seattle Landscaping design. We are here to help with all of your yard maintenance needs.