Tips For Starting An Herb Garden

Growing your herbs is a beautiful way to enjoy the sights, smells, and tastes of a wide variety of fresh herbs. Herbs are easy to grow and do not take up considerable space. You can grow herbs in pots and place them on an outdoor patio or sunroom, or even just grow them conveniently in your kitchen window.

Herbs have a variety of different uses. Fresh herbs are commonly used in cooking, and some even have medicinal benefits. Although growing herbs often requires less skill than other types of plants, you still need to follow the best practices if you want your herbs to thrive. In this post, we look at some of the essential tips for growing herbs in your garden. Whether you are about to start growing herbs or are a seasoned gardener, there may be a nugget of wisdom here for you!

1.  Planning Your Herb Garden

Planning is the most important contributor to success in any project or undertaking. Before you even buy your seeds, you should plan your herb garden. This mostly means choosing the best site for planting. Ideally, herbs require plenty of sunlight to thrive. The sunlight requirement for many herbs ranges between six to eight hours a day. Apart from direct natural light, be sure to grow herbs in well-draining soils. Make sure that the soil PH and the nutrients are sufficient to support optimal growth.  If your herbs do not get enough sunlight or the soil is not rich in nutrients, your herbs will not thrive.

2.  Choose Herbs Carefully

Choose the herbs that will do well in your area. You may want to research to find out the type of herbs grown in your region. Whether you are growing your herbs indoors or outdoors may have an impact on the types of herbs you choose.

3.  Early Spring Is The Best Time To Plant Herbs Outdoor

While you can choose to grow perennial herbs any time of the year, the best time is early spring. Your herbs will have ample time to grow before the challenging conditions of summer and winter arrive. For indoor herb gardens, there are no limitations on when is the best time for growing. An indoor herb garden benefits from a controlled environment, which makes it easy for herbs to thrive any time of year.

4.  Take Care of Your Herbs Through Different Growth Stages

At a young age, herbs require smaller amounts of water and fertilizer compared to mature herbs. Weeding is an ongoing activity, and therefore be sure to keep an eye on your herb garden and remove weeds when necessary. To control weeds, consider mulching your herb garden. Another critical practice when caring for herbs is pest control. Consider essential oils as opposed to chemicals to deter pests, as you will most likely (hopefully) be putting these herbs on your food! If you are dealing with rodents, apply bait or fence the herb garden to keep creatures away.

5.  Source Seedlings From Trusted Suppliers

Herb gardening can be frustrating, especially if you do not pick the seeds carefully. You can purchase the seeds from a local agricultural supply shop. Look for seeds that are not expired, and make sure the variety is good.


We have looked at essential tips for growing herbs in your garden. Herbs require adequate care throughout the growing season. If you need help getting your herb garden started, you can consider hiring an experienced gardener to help in forming and maintaining your herb garden. Services offered by professionals include choosing the best site for growing herbs and taking care of your herb garden throughout the growing season.