Tips For Gardening In Small Spaces

Do you dream of having a backyard garden where you can grow herbs, vegetables, and even pretty flowers?  You do not need a large parcel of land to start gardening. As long as you have an area with good soil, plenty of sunlight, and a water source, you can grow a garden in even the smallest of spaces. If you are interested in starting a small kitchen garden but feel your space is not sufficient, here are some essential tips.

1.  Examine The Available Spaces

The initial step should involve analyzing your space to find out where there is plenty of natural light. For instance, a particular corner of the balcony could be getting sufficient sunlight, making it a suitable space for your garden project.  If you have large window sills that can hold pots or trays, check if there is enough sunlight to sustain flowers or a small herb garden. 

Remember that crops require adequate sunlight to thrive and blossom. You should identify the corners of your house or yard that receive at least a few hours or direct sunlight every day.

2.  Choose Plants Carefully

Are you setting up a vegetable garden within a limited space?  Focus on the vegetables that your family loves to eat but are expensive to buy at the local market. Avoid growing plants that require a large area to blossom. Nearly all vegetables will do well in small spaces. However, it doesn’t make sense to dedicate your limited space to vegetables your family may not enjoy or those available at the grocery stores at relatively low prices. Instead, focus on the expensive vegetables, and those that taste better when fresh.  

3.  Try Intercropping

To maximize the limited space, try intercropping. Slow-growing crops can be planted together with fast-growing vegetables. Intercropping or interplanting allows the gardener to grow many different crops within a small space.  A significant advantage of intercropping is that it helps to minimize open spaces. Note that the empty spaces are the reason for the formation of competitive weeds. Additionally, intercropping enhances soil fertility and, ultimately, the health of all the plants. For example, nitrogen-rich crops like legumes produce nitrogen fixation in the soil, increasing the macronutrients that the other plants need.

4.  Practice Vertical Gardening

When setting up a vertical garden, you do not have to go out and spend a crazy amount of money. All you need is a homemade trellis and pots, or gardening bags. Vertical gardening is ideal for various types of vegetables, including lettuce, spinach, herbs, and other edible plants. The key is to ensure they are placed in an area that receives plenty of sunlight and make sure your crops are watered adequately.

5.  Invest in Hydroponic Gardening

If you do not have a functional outdoor space where you can grow crops, do not give up yet! You can set up a reliable kitchen garden indoors. To do this, identify a room in your home that you may not be fully utilizing and set up a hydroponic farm in that room. Hydroponic gardening may cost a substantial amount to set up, but the benefits are worth the investment.


We have looked at the practical tips for setting up a garden within a limited space. If you have been hoping to start a small garden where you can grow vegetables, we hope these ideas can shed some light on your project. There are endless possibilities, regardless of how small a space appears. Talk to an experienced gardener for assistance in setting up a garden if you have limited space.