With winter right around the corner, you may be thinking of your poor little old naked trees outside. You’ll want to protect them from the cold, snow, and high winds. Fortunately you’ve come to the right place to get some tips on how to do just that.
Pruning your trees is a vital process when it comes to the health of your trees. This should be done regularly, usually on a yearly basis. It’s best to take on this task before the winter storms arrive.
Making yourself aware of branches that could be prone to damage from the added weight of snow and ice is the key here. By pruning your tree’s branches to extend out from the tree at about 30-45 degree angles, they will be better able to handle the excess weight. If you see any branches that are already very heavy and sagging, you should remove them too.
If you aren’t sure which branches to remove, consult with a professional tree trimming company or certified arborist. This is an investment that will be worth its while if you want to keep your trees looking nice and protect them from damage through the winter season.
Be sure that your trees are trimmed and pruned properly before the onset of winter storms. This will ensure that they will be able to withstand the high winds and extra load from snow and ice.
Wrap Up Vulnerable Trees
This method may look a little bit ridiculous, but it can be very effective in giving your trees the protection they need through the season. Trees with very thin bark can be the most at risk.
You can wrap them up with some plastic tree wrap, or you can use burlap, depending on the tree.
Prevent Desiccation
Desiccation is basically the process of removing moisture from something. Heavy winds and blinding sun in the winter can leave the leaves of trees feeling chapped and parched, as the moisture is drawn out.
This process occurs during the other three seasons of the year as well, but it’s not much of an issue as the trees can just draw up more water from the ground. In the winter, however, things are different. All the moisture in the ground is frozen, locking it in place, making it difficult for the trees to rehydrate.
There is a solution to this problem, and it comes in the form of a spray. This product is called an anti-dessicant. It basically works as a barrier that stops the moisture from evaporating out of the leaf, protecting it from the extreme winter elements.
Trees are often the most impressive pieces in your yard or garden. They are also expensive to install, and take years to grow. They can also be very expensive to remove if they are damaged or die. For these reasons be sure to use the tips in this guide to protect your trees during the winter season. If you need further guidance on how to protect and care for your trees in winter, be sure to contact a local arborist or a professional at Seattle Landscaping Design.