Use a Tarp
You can use a tarp to help you with the light stuff and heavier debris such as grass trimmings, leaves, weeds and heavier brush. You can use it when working in the yard to keep soil and other debris away from your nicely manicured spaces. You can even use a tarp to cover plants in the back of your vehicle when you are returning to the nursery.
Use Weed Fabric Mindfully and Carefully
Landscaping fabric can be very useful under gravel or mulch areas in order to keep this valuable material in place. Skip the fabric in planted areas as it only provides short-term solutions. Eventually weeds will start growing in the mulch on top of your carefully laid fabric.
Starter Fertilizer
Use a good quality starter fertilizer whenever you are putting new plants in the ground. Starter fertilizers can help provide a much-needed boost to new and young plants. The most effective starter fertilizers are low in nitrogen with higher concentrations of phosphorus. The best products contain a special type of symbiotic fungi which will give your plants an increased ability to obtain nutrients from the soil.
Choose Soil Wisely
Make educated choices when choosing a substrate. Bulk bags are best when the material can be dumped in an area where it will be spread out. Bag material is much more convenient; it must be moved around after delivery. If you think ahead, you will save time, money and effort.
Be sure to only buy high-quality tools which will last. Although the best tools might be a little bit expensive, a cheaper product is more likely to break in the middle of the job. You’ll be better off spending a little bit more on a better quality tool in the long run.
Consolidate your annual blooming plants together in pots or beds where they can be seen by the neighbors! It can be expensive to replace these colorful additions to your garden every year. Place them in areas with high visibility for the maximum impact.
Put your plantings together in beds or islands in the yard in order to keep your maintenance consolidated in a few specific areas. It can be a pain to maneuver the lawnmower around too many spread out plants.
Use the Leaves
Instead of sending all your leaves to the landfill each fall, mow small quantities into the lawn providing an excellent fertilizer for the growth of your grass. Use a bagging mower or other equipment to shred the leaves and put them in the compost pile. You can mix them into the soil for your vegetable garden before planting winter crops.
Reuse Your Lawn Clippings
Consider a mulching lawn mower instead of one which requires a bag to dispose of clippings. Saving your grass clippings and creating mulch can greatly cut down on your fertilizer requirements.
Test Your Soil
Get your lawn and garden soil tested by the State University. Knowing the exact nutrient density and fertilizing requirements in your soil can help you to create the best conditions for the best possible growth.
Have a Plan
Have a plan for your garden and landscape and stick to it. Work in phases and follow your budget closely in order to get the best results by focusing your efforts on smaller tasks. This will allow you to pay closer attention to details and do a good job.
Save Trips to the Hardware Store
It’s important to calculate the right amount of material to buy for your projects to keep you from going back and forth to the store. Be familiar with how to calculate square footage and cubic footage requirements for projects that require materials such as soil or gravel.
Don’t Skimp on the Plants!
It’s useful to buy a few more plants than you think you might need. If you truly have more than enough you can always return them, but as they say, variety is the spice of life and you can most likely find a place for them within your garden.